Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Update to Previous 4D Post - Pictures of Feet Reveal that Baby is a GoodNix

My sister-in-law aptly pointed out, in response to my 4D post, that we hadn't provided proof of whether our daughter was going to be blessed with the famous GoodNix toes. For those of you who don't know about the toes, feel free to look down the next time you see me, my brother or my sister. We all have them. They are unique to say the least. Unfortunately for our child, Steve also has long and thin toes. So did she get them? Well, of course! But, don't take my word for it. The proof is in the pudding - or the pictures anyway:

I was hoping that my child wouldn't have to go through what I've suffered all my life - difficulty buying shoes (think 3-4 hour shopping trips and leaving with nothing), and longing for the beautiful shoes that everyone else gets to wear (think Sarah Jessica Parker's fetish without the ability to wear those gorgeous shoes). Unfortunately, our daughter appears to have the same long skinny foot as her mom, with long toes and skinny heels. If she turns out to be a shoe lover like me, just hope that Stuart Weitzman doesn't go out of business anytime soon. Lucky for her, I'm a patient shoe shopper. Hopefully turn into the same mandatory mother-daughter bonding experience of my youth.


LogoGirl said...

Oh no! She's got the toes!!! LOVE IT!! The girls will be thrilled.

That foot looks so familiar.....
Kristen Toes

Steve and Mary said...

That picture is too cute!

LogoGirl said...

Notice the fist in the mouth thing? I think they might be related! ha.