Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Steve's First Father's Day

The Good side of the family celebrated father's day Saturday. Steve got his first Father's Day card and Baby GoodNix got her first present from her grandparents.


Steve's parents also gave him a card and the perfect father's day gift - a gift certificate to Home Depot!


Friday, June 13, 2008

It's a ...


We had a full anatomy scan on Friday and she looks fabulous! She is growing fast and moves around constantly. Even though she's only about 4 inches long and weighs only 1.5 ounces, we could see the bone structure and anatomy clearly. And everything looks beautiful! It was so exciting to see her wiggling around.

The picture looks a little wild since it is a picture of the skeletal system, but it's not really an alien jumping bean! It's a beautiful little girl!

She is lying on her side looking at the "camera." Her face is to the left (can see head, eyes, nose, chin) her arms are both up next to her head. Her little body is below, and you can see the ribs.