Saturday, May 24, 2008

KreiNiTar - The Super Heros and the women who love them

Here is a shout out to KreiNiTar ....
Krei - (The Kreinedes-es)

Ni - (The GoodNixes)
Tar - (The Mardifs)
The KreNiTars like to embrace the work hard, play hard lifestyle. Unfortunately, when we get out to play, our social skills aren't always as Emily Post perfect as we look above ....

Dancing at a winery in Napa -

Cheerleading in Napa - Go Del Dotto!

Eating in Napa - Yum, Lettuce!

Throwing a little salt over our shoulders for good luck~!

May 22, 2008 - Think it looks like Dad?

2D sonogram from First Trimester Screening Test- Baby GoodNix passes first test with flying colors at almost 13 weeks old! Good job!

You can see Baby's head to the right - I think it looks like Daddy's very nice profile! Baby's hand is right in the middle - is that a wave?

We started sharing with family and close friends a couple of weeks ago and now we are ready to share our great news with the world! Mary is also feeling a lot better, and she's really getting into the pregnancy. Last weekend we looked at strollers and found out how little we know. The next 5 months getting ready for baby is going to be a real eye-opening experience for us!

April 30, 2008 - First Glimpse

Our first look at our little peanut.

April 5, 2008 - Happy Surprise!

We took a Pregnancy Test one afternoon because Mary had bought three of them and had some time to kill. Seriously. Since we just started trying, she really didn't think we were pregnant. But, guess what?!

March 15, 2008 - 50th Anniversary and Kristen's Birthday!

Mary's parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary!

Our niece, Kristen, also celebrated a birthday~

September 2007 - Married? Yes - Married!

We were married in Napa Valley at Auberge du Soleil