Thursday, August 7, 2008

QuakeCon n/k/a Steve's Disappearing Act

I spent a lonely week at home pining over my husband who was toiling away at work last week. He worked so hard on his company's annual show QuakeCon. I wish I could insert a funny quip about how it looked a lot more like Play-time than Work-time ... but, I know better.

Steve was behind the scenes working so hard (insert another funny quip here) and did a great job. I would post a few pictures of the event, but the rooms were very dark and my camera didn't take a single good picture. Suffice it to say that it was Im-Press-Ive. Makes a wife proud.

Here is a token picture of KreiNiTar minus one VIP (shame on her for studying for her board exam - priorities, Woman!) - also the first pics of my big pregnant belly:

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